On the path to paying off your debt? Make sure you take the most efficient route..
Happy Holidays from your Winebrenner Capital Management Team!
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Getting a Head Start on College Savings
The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates a middle-income family with a child born today can...
Surprise! You’ve Got Money!
Here’s a quick guide to checking to see if you have unclaimed money.
Donating Art: Taxation Abstraction
The varied reasons to donate art include a personal affinity for a museum, the desire to create a...
Charitable Giving: Smart from the Heart
Do you have causes that you want to support with donations? Here are three tips. Ask us how you...
RE: Retirement
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Notable Quotes – Warren Buffett – “Successful Investing Takes Time.”
How Much Do Retirees Spend?
What Do Your Taxes Pay For?
Tip: Mid May. If the government had raised taxes enough to cover federal borrowing, we would have...