In a sea of investment advice and a variety of advisers, it can be difficult to determine whether a firm can meet your needs. At Winebrenner Capital Management, we do things a little differently from everyone else.
For starters, we’re fee-only.
Winebrenner Capital Management’s fee-only model allows us to ensure unbiased and objective service. There are no hidden expenses or transaction fees, and we keep communication at the forefront of our relationship with you. We don’t use a commission-based fee model, so you never have to worry about your financial adviser being more interested in making “sales” than helping you reach your financial goals. We don’t work with third parties who encourage sales in specific products or services, so you can rest assured that we will always invest according to your best interests.
We offer individualized services.
We understand that no two people or investment styles are exactly alike, so why should all financial plans be? While many firms will expect you to follow a simple asset allocation plan, we endeavor to tailor each plan and model to match your needs and goals.
When you call us, you directly reach an Adviser.
In a world over-populated by frustrating automated phone systems, we know how important it is to be able to reach out to a real person. That’s why when you call our office during business hours, you will speak to a real financial adviser who knows you and your financial scenario. If you call or email one of us, and we are unavailable, we will return your call or email within the same day.
We offer team advising.
When you consult Winebrenner Capital Management for financial services, you’re not limited to working with an assigned financial adviser. Instead, you’re receiving the advice of a team of financial advisers who work together to create a balanced, expertly calculated plan that matches your individual financial needs. Using this team advising model allows us to consistently strive to provide a cohesive, all-encompassing client experience.